The external view of a watch: what does the shape and face of a watch tell us about?

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The external view of a watch: what does the shape and face of a watch tell us about?

The external view of a watch: what does the shape and face of a watch tell us about?

A watch as a functional accessory is known to have been used in people‘s lives almost from time immemorial. Now, it has become more than easy to purchase one basically due to the popularity this practical accessory has gained over the time. This has well been proved by the successful presale rate of the Watchmakervismantas project – over half of the watches in the first edition were sold within the first weeks of the presale alone.
Alongside the popularity of the new accessory, its aesthetics gets equally appreciated by people nowadays. In the beginning, watches used to be made solely in a round shape as this is the shape assumed by the wheel, considered a perfect geometric figure. However, in the course of time, watchmakers and designers sought different shapes for their products, so one should not be surprised these days to find watches in the oddest and the most strange-looking forms. Decoration of watches has undergone changes, too: various colours, metals and jewels came into use for their embellishment.
The shape of a watch and its owner’s temper
Psychologists have investigated the connection between the shape of the watch and the temper of its owner. It has been proven that a person, opting for the same shape of a watch year after year, discloses his/her character, including their hobbies, skills, abilities and emotional state. A watch should not be trying to fit with the state-of-the-art trends but rather possess aspects of the unique and individualistic style. Taking notice of these peculiarities possessed by the watch on the wrist of the person next time you engage yourself in a conversation with might help you draw the right conclusions about the person based on the watch shape selected by him/her:
* Square
* Round
* Oval
* Triangular
* Rectangular

Square face of a watch

A square face of a watch is preferred by those who choose to live at their own pace, yet keep to a strictly determined agenda. What? Where? and When? – are all evenly distributed along their agenda in the most detailed, exact and impeccable way. People owning a watch in this shape stand out by their punctuality, are known to love order and are highly demanding of themselves and those around them. Such people are ambitious, pursue a career and are usually successful. The only shortcoming they have is their refusal to make compromises with others.
Round and oval shape of a watch face
A rounded shape of a watch is the primary form the first watches were made in. It was only supplemented by an oval one years later. Whichever of the two shapes a person may prefer, both of them point to the same character traits. Anyone owning a watch in either of the two shapes is considered to be friendly, communicative, sincere, easy-going and possessing a good sense of intrinsic harmony with themselves and the surrounding environment. People choosing their watch in either shape of the two have no difficulty in finding a common language with others. However, they, too, have one character flaw, if this can only be called that way, – they entrust their secrets to a highly limited circle of people. Among the numerous watches in a rounded shape that are available today, we offer Watchmakervismantas watches for your attention.   

Triangular face of a watch

Watches of a triangular shape stand out to a large extent in the market, which is traditionally dominated by watches of more common forms. People opting for watches of this unconventional shape hardly ever escape other people’s notice. Such people are conspicuous by their persistence, perseverance and selfishness, as well as a desire for and disposition of power, which they enjoy demonstrating. They possess highly manifested leadership skills and are careerists. Pity and compassion are foreign feelings to people who favour this particular shape of watches.
We’ve got good news, however, for lovers of triangular-shaped watches – the first triangular watch of Lithuanian make is ready to be released soon, so subscribe to Watchmakervismantas for the news and don’t miss the chance to be the first to purchase it.  

Rectangular watch face

Horizontal lines on the face of a watch disclose the remarkable serenity possessed by its owner. Anyone who prefers a watch in this shape highly values the peaceful, homely atmosphere, never chases adventure, nor does he/she lose their head over a career and is conspicuous by their kindness and sincerity.
What can the inside view of the watch face tell us about its owner?
The inside view of a watch face also provides details pointing to the personal characteristics of its owner. A special message is conveyed by the numerals:
* whether or not they are available on the watch face;
* what numerals they are - Roman or Arabic.
Numerals replaced by symbols (indices).
Such a watch chosen by a person shows that its owner is businesslike. Anyone, favouring this type of a watch face, is known to be at ease of forging businesslike relations with others, who are attracted by their particular way of thinking and self-assurance. Among the flaws in their character that people may find repellent, are their lack of confidence in others and difficulty to adapt to people in a new working environment.
Numerals on a watch face
Roman numerals found on a person’s watch face show that its owner holds conservative views, keeping to traditional viewpoints, and is fond of classics. The typical personal qualities of such people are setting high standards to others, honesty and a highly developed sense of responsibility. Anyone wearing such a watch is also known to be concise, clear and precise when talking.  
Arabic numerals on a watch face reveal the open-minded character of the owner. Such people are favoured by others for their sincerity, and are known to be constantly generating new ideas. Although while choosing clothes, such people usually focus on their practical aspects and high quality, they will still tend to select a watch that would stand out by its design and attract other people’s attention: they would easily opt for a watch inlaid with precious stones or one covered with precious metals.
How can people refusing to wear watches be characterised?
People who don’t like wearing a watch or haven’t got one, or feel indifferent to watches altogether  are inclined by their nature to socialise with others and are very friendly. However, they have one shortcoming – they are hopelessly unpunctual. It is a watch, though, that provides an opportunity to keep track of time (if you maintain that your smartphone has a timepiece app to help you measure time, don’t be mistaken but rather think about how many times a day you really get to check the time). If one has no watch, keeping track of time either is made troublesome or, in some cases, becomes hardly possible. For this reason, whatever extent the new technologies might be advanced to in future, people will still turn back to the gadgets made at the dawn of humankind (smartwatches !). One can well chase the trends of technologies and spend money on an expensive, but short-lived toy, or better still, purchase a well-tested watch that will serve them a lifetime. This will be a message in itself of your character for others, too.

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